Course Reflection - Shyla

 Shyla Jogi

Dr. Ott

Personal Finance

    I learned so much from this course. Over just the past two weeks, I learned about so many aspects of personal finance, from options trading to real estate to the morals of money. I learned so much more than I thought I would have over this J-Term. But at the end of these two weeks, I honestly feel that I learned so much more than I've learned about money through my whole school career. All the mini projects we did served to cement my knowledge with hands-on activities, making it more active learning, not just passive lectures and readings. The readings we were assigned, Your Money or Your Life, Cryptoassets, and Why Didn't They Teach Me This in School taught me so much about all these individual topics. Your Money or Your Life was really informative when it came to talking about what 'work' means, what my spending habits really are, how to track my monthly expenses, and what money really means. Why Didn't They Teach Me This in School was all about tips to help people manage their finances efficiently and well. It was very engaging and educational, and easy to read. The tips in the book were very helpful and definitely something I would use later in life. The last book, Cryptoassets, had every person reading one chapter and then presenting on the chapter they read, and it was also really interesting. In the end, I feel like I learned a lot from this course, and would recommend it to anyone else who wants to learn about personal finance. 


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